December 2021
Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma and now Omicron. It seems that this Covid pandemic just won’t end. Just when we think things are getting better, we get a new variant to deal with.The governor has just extended his emergency order until January 28′. As the shed is in a state facility, we will remain compliant with his order. Everyone entering the Shed must be Vaccinated or have had a negativeCovid test. Masks must be worn if you are within 6 feet of another person. Here is a link to his order. Some of the members have gone into production of picnic tables for some of the elementary schools in the area. (See the article later in the newsletter). This is a great way the Shed can contribute to the Community.There are some other community projects in the works. When we get more details, we will let you know.We have sold some of the Christmas sale items. We have more to sell. If you would like to buy some of these handmade items to give as Christmas presents, stop by the shed and take a look at what is available.We have started to redo the website. This will bring it up to a more current look and improve the functioning of the shed operations.Wishing you and your family a very happy holiday season from the Board of Directors of the
Honolulu Men’s Shed.
Tim O’Donnell
Picnic Table Community Project
Remember the picnic table project? We’ve been working hard getting them built. Before covidwe made three picnic tables for Jefferson Elementary School. We are now building them forAla Wai Elementary School. The school wants to get the unmasked kids out of the cafeteriaand eating outdoors. HMS has committed to build ten tables. Before Christmas we plan todeliver picnic tables #4 (pink) and #5 (bright yellow).Jefferson School has requested five more. We haven’t made any promises due to the lack ofShed volunteers. If you would like to help, please contact Colin Porner (808 291-4472) or GlennSears (808 373-6140). This is a great community project and we welcome volunteers for tables 6thru 10. It’s fun, productive and serves a great purpose.
Bikes Wanted –
Keep spreading the word around town with the bike flyer. The latest version of the flyer is on the wall in the talk story area. It is paying off with many donations coming in.

Holiday Sales Items
Our shed sales have been scheduled for the first 3 Saturdays in December from 9 to 12. Please reach outif you’d like to participate in these events. We will need some help. Mahalo to Jonathan, Mick, Hunter,Harvey, Bob and others who have been working on this in a challenging environment.The funds from the sales of items like this will go toward operating costs, repair of equipment and supplies needed. We need volunteers to help with these sales. If you are interested, please reach out tome.
Mens Shed History

Oldie but goodie from the early days when the shed was coming into existence. Seated clockwise from bottom left: Jerry Taniyama, Jonathan Okabe, Doug Kam-Young, Glenn Sears, Win Schoneman, and David Talbert.
Enjoy these pics from November and please send photos anytime for the next newsletter.
Cristopher warming up -
Keith generating sawdust -
Hunter repairing the sander -
Loading the canoe -
Supervising the operation -
Christmas sale items
Mark Campbell
Secretary, HMS